Simplify the AI, while staying human

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AbsyAi developed Myndwell to assist organizations in utilizing AI interactions, while providing ownership of their Intellectual Property Moat, utilizing the most valuable resource, people.

Myndwell empowers employees/users to customize the aspects of their work they feel comfortable using AI for, while preventing traditional work patterns from being destroyed.

The Benefits of Myndwell

Increased Efficiency

Enhances human capabilities and productivity by providing customizable features that incorporate human effort, respecting the unique 'performance art' of each job.


Reduce the level of complexity required to leverage the advancements of AI, allowing for users to focus on content organization and integration versus managing to AI architecture

Knowledge Retention

Own the most critical part of your AI journey, and continue to leverage it in meaningful, value creating ways.

What Our Clients Are Saying


"We wanted a crawl, walk, run process for incorporating GenAI into our existing business solutions.  Rather than require a wholesale operation, destroying traditional methods, Myndwell afforded us the opportunity to selectively augment our work with AI results and integrate where it made sense, which reduced our Consultants time and effort in producing our customer products."

Ben B.
Managing Partner


"We needed a way to increase our accuracy in responses across multiple pursuits. We know that our program managers, technical writers and staff are essential to producing a winning proposal. When speaking to Absy, it was clear that their product, Myndwell, was designed to enhance my staffs efforts. Rather than relying solely on AI content generation, it truly enhances a domain experts capability, with AI becoming their Super-person cap"

Thomas G.
VP, Operations

Try Myndwell